Do I need medical

Yes, you do. You should always have medical insurance whenever you travel abroad. Your medical insurance must cover you while you are doing an experience. It must also cover you in the
event that you require emergency evacuation or repatriation.

Is there a medical facility or hospital nearby?

The nearest doctor is about a 15 minute drive and the closest hospitals are in Golfito and Ciudad Neily, both about an hour and thirty minutes away. In case of an emergency, we will provide transportation to and from the medical facility. The nearest pharmacy is approximately 20 minutes away.

Do I need shots before
arriving to Pavones?

The majority of our guests do not get any shots before visiting Costa Rica however you can read the latest U.S. government travel advisories here: http://www.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/costa-rica

Is Pavones safe?

Our town and estate are safe. The property is fenced and gated. We have someone on premises 24/7. We have a police station about ten minutes away. We advise against leaving valuables, particularly electronics, on display and/or unguarded. This precaution applies when traveling throughout Costa Rica, particularly on the beaches while swimming. We also suggest not to venture out alone at night primarily because it’s a jungle out there 😉

What about bugs?

Mosquitoes are around mostly during sunset and sunrise. Use repellent, wear long light colored pants and shirts, and keep your doors closed at all times during their peak activity. Occasionally you will come across a scorpion which will not hurt you unless you startle it. Always shake out towels and shoes before using them.

Are there rip currents
& rocks?

Depending on the time of year, weather, and swell there can be rip currents. We are happy to show you the safe swimming channels to avoid getting caught in them. There are many beautiful rocks on our beaches. We are happy to guide you safely in and out of the water to avoid them.

How is the weather?

Dry Season from approximately December through April is filled with hot sunny days and warm
evenings. Temperatures range from 75ºF/23ºC to 95ºF/35ºC. Green season begins in May and lasts through approximately November offering sunny
mornings with rainy afternoons and evenings. Temperatures range from 70ºF/21ºC to 90ºF/32ºC. Rains are warm and come and go quickly, which always leaves time for many activities.

Are there ATMs?

There are no ATMs in Pavones, the nearest ATM is an hour’s drive. We recommend bringing cash with you or withdrawing it at the airport in San Jose. The local grocery stores and gift shop accept credit cards.

Is the water safe to drink?

Filtered water is provided at the lodge. The tap water is safe for bathing and brushing teeth.

Is smoking allowed?

Smoking is not allowed in the rooms or estate. You can smoke on the beach directly out front.

Do you have Wi-Fi
on property?

We have fiber optic Wi-Fi in the rooms and throughout the estate. our cell phone will not work outside the estate unless you have an international calling plan. Internet and cell service can be sporadic here in the jungle. Enjoy that time to help you disconnect.

How about laundry service and pets?

We offer laundry service to our guests, which includes wash, dry, and fold.

We do not accept pets.

Serena Selva Costa Rica
Izabela Brzostek

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