Immersive Nature Experiences

We invite you to enjoy the raw, natural beauty, and permeable life-force tropical Pavones has to offer. Escape reality and immerse yourself in jungle magic at its finest. Experience warm hospitality, beautiful Pacific oceanfront accommodations, abundant nature,  healthy fresh food, rejuvenating yoga, massage, cacao workshops, horseback riding, world-class fishing and snorkeling, jungle mountains, therapeutic volcanic black sand beaches, and river hikes.

Meet Your Host

Hi, I’m Izabela. Welcome to our beautiful paradise of Pavones, Costa Rica. I’m the jungle queen of my tribe consisting of my husband, Arsen, son Colt, daughter Elle, and 3 lovely jungle dogs. We’ve called this magical place home for over 6 years now and have profoundly connected with all things this place has to offer.

Experience all the special things from the perspective of a local with knowledge gained from living in the rain forest jungle environment found on the Pacific Coast in the country’s remote Southern Zone.

I have designed experiences that share and make the most of the best of what Pavones has to offer from nature, health, and relaxation.

Me with my faithful companion & protector, Karma.

Welcome to Serena Selva

In the depths of my soul, an unwavering love for pristine nature resonates. Witnessing the untouched beauty of the Golfo Dulce region, one of the world’s five major tropical fjords, ignites a burning passion within me – to preserve this paradise. My mission is to share this awe-inspiring sanctuary with others, but in a way that safeguards its very essence. Sustainable and eco-friendly tourism is the cornerstone of my philosophy. I envision responsible exploration – guided hikes that weave through the rainforest tapestry, horseback riding adventures that respect the delicate balance, and immersive experiences that leave only footprints behind. My dream isn’t to overwhelm the Pavones and Golfo Dulce area, but to become its gentle custodian. By fostering a deep appreciation for nature, we can ensure its survival for generations to come. Together, let’s explore, learn, protect, and experience this irreplaceable jewel.


– Izabela Brzostek
Serena Selva Costa Rica

Costa Rica’s Hidden Gem


Pavones may be off the beaten path, but you will soon find out the journey here is part of the initiation to experience pristine and epic natural beauty. The abundance of exotic animals living freely in the surrounding ecosystem creates an immersive experience. Squirrel Monkeys, Scarlet Macaws, various Toucans, and Blue Morpho Butterflies, are a small sampling of the daily animal sightings. A true paradise awaits you with uncrowded beaches, secret waterfalls, incredible natural resources of clean air, and pure water. The fact that towns like Pavones still exist is inspiring in itself. You’ll want to bring a piece back home with you.

What's Included

• 6 nights lodging

• Transportation to and from San Jose

• Local transportation in Pavones

• 3 healthy meals per day plus snacks

• Experiences:

1. Boat Trip to Dolphin Quest Ecofarm in the Piedras Blancas National Park

2. Tiskita Jungle Preserve Hike

3. Santa Clara Nature Hike with Local Biologist

4. Horseback Tour

5. Chocolate Workshop

6. Rio Claro Hike

7. Punta Banco Tide Pools

8. Two Massage Sessions

9. Yoga Daily

We accommodate groups of 8-10 people. We can also facilitate health retreats and special excursions.

What's Not Included

Airfare to and from San José

Lodging in San José (Depending on group flight scheduling,
an overnight stay in San José may be necessary)

Food in San José and during your travel to a from Pavones
(Our driver will stop for food and restroom breaks.)

Serena Selva Costa Rica
Izabela Brzostek

Ready to begin your Immersive Nature Experience?